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093 - dépêche of march 2012

Tetanus in a Rottweiler bitch
Créé le : Thursday 3 April 2014 by Françoise Marzin Keller, Olivier Blonz

Dernière modificaton le : Friday 8 December 2017

Baccara is a 5 years old Rottweiler bitch who is presented to me in July by her owners from the Saumur area, who are taking a few days of holidays in Brittany.

The bitch is brought up to consultation because she has been salivating a lot and had trouble feeding since the day before departure.

Baccara is currently under anti-demodecic treatment.

On the day of the consultation, on top of her skin disease, the bitch has a particular face aspect with both ears so much pulled backwards that they are very close at the back of the head and induce numerous skin folds, as her owner had noticed.

The bitch is salivating profusely and her cheeks muscles are so contracted that opening of the mouth is very difficult. This tension is felt all over the animal especially on the spine and on the abdomen ; locomotion is also very stiff.

Suspicion of tetanus is made.

An anti-infectious treatment: amoxicilline 30 mg/kg is given into the muscles every 48 hours, as well as liquid feeding, protection against any stimuli and the best comfort possible.

As to prevent any aggravation of the symptoms, I prescribe some Valium to give intra-rectally if needed but straight away I rather give her twice a day orally, an extemporaly prepared phytotherapy solution of: Eschscholtzia-Valerian-Passiflora and black current.
# Black current for its anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious and draining properties.
# Valerian for its sedative, anxiolytic, musculotrope and neurotrope spasmolytic.

#Passiflora for its central properties: sedative, anxiolytic, anti-convulsive, and analgesic ; and for its peripheric properties of muscular anti-spasmodic.
# Eschscholtzia for its sedative, anxiolytic and anti-spasmodic properties.

Being an osteopath makes my hands act:

The first day: cranio-sacral work frees the sphenobasilar symphysis (occiput-sphenoïd), frees sacrum mobility, balances cranio-sacral PRM (primary respiratory mouvement) - Medullar Traction Force is important - cranial work on the brain scythe, cerebellum tent and lymbic system.

48 hours later, monday morning, the bitch’s general state is stable (no aggravation is noticed and it is already a positive point) she is slightly more relaxed et manages to feed liquids. On a new examination, the abdomen is more souple, though trismus is still present- ostepathic examination still reveals a high MTF ; and a special tissular technic on it allows "freedom of energy by the mouvement" felt under the fingers ; cranial tensions are less important and the bitch moves in a better way.

I shall see the bitch a third time two days later, just before her departure ; her veterinary has to continue the anti-infectious treatment.

I receive some news 15 days later, the bitch ha stotally recovered, "she is in great form".

This case seems to me an example of allopathic but also manual, energetic and phytotherapic therapies complementarity. The therapeutic protocol depends on the practitioner and can differ depending on him.

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